

Middle School Schedule Academics/Activities Staff Contacts Anonymous Alerts


MTThF: 8:15-2:15
WED: 8:15 - 1:15


Safety will be the #1 priority for the 2024-2025 school year.

Safety and sanitation products will be accessible in every classroom, meeting room, eating area and office.

Signage will be posted throughout the campus with proper safety protocol and detailed instructions for social distancing if required.

Staff will be trained and students will be instructed on how to be as safe as possible while on school grounds.

Parent Expectations

We request that parents take the temperature of their children each morning before school. If the child has a higher than normal temperature, then the child should remain at home.

We request that parents provide their children with masks when required. If the child does not have a mask, the school will provide one.

If a student displays symptoms of an illness, he or she will be escorted to the health room for a temperature check. If the health aide determines that the student is ill and needs to be sent home, a parent will be immediately notified to come to the school and pick up the child.

We request that you help educate your child as much as possible with respect to the changing times,  especially with reminders about the importance of safety protocol.



KCS middle school includes grades 6-8 with an average enrollment of 235 students. Class sizes vary between 18-24 students per class.

Emphasis is on project based learning and 21st Century Skills within all four subject areas. 

The 21st Century Skills:

• Information Skills

• Communication Skills

• Thinking and Problem Solving

• Interpersonal Skills

• Self-Directional Skills

• Global Awareness

• Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy

• Civic Literacy and Engagement 

Each quarter students participate in either Student Led Conferences or Exhibitions where they showcase what they have learned

Kihei Charter School is a public school and follows common core standards in math and ELA, Next Generation standards for science and National & state standards for social studies.

Students in grades 3-8;11 participate in statewide testing(SBAC) each Spring. The students are tested on the computer in Math and ELA. Additionally, students in grades 5 & 8 are tested in Science


Sports activities are offered during the regular school year. They include Cross Country, Track & Field, Mountain Biking, and Basketball.

Additional activities include Student Government, yearbook club, May Day and periodic middle school dances.


Front desk – General information, absence/tardy  reporting and messages of all staff:

(808) 875-0700

Fax: (808) 874-6745

Head of School:

Michael Stubbs



MS Director:

Pomai Pruett


(808) 495-4430 x136

 Student Services Coordinator: Lisa Whitten


(808) 270-4907

Support Staff

Michael Hernley - Front Desk-------------mhernley@kiheicharter.org

Cathy Rimorin - Accounting Clerk-------crimorin@kiheicharter.org

Raquel Balasan - Student Records-----rbalasan@kiheicharter.org

Information Technology

Phil Schmidt - IT Director





 Kihei Charter School has determined that it is important to introduce a new communications tool called Anonymous Alerts®. Anonymous Alerts® allows students or parents to quickly, easily, and anonymously report urgent information to school officials across all of our school campuses. The system encourages students, parents and staff to confidentially report bullying, cyber-bullying, and other sensitive topics through private messages to our administration. Kihei Charter School does not support, encourage or tolerate any behavior that prevents any student from reaching their full potential.

We also believe that the best way to address problems that our students face in school is personal contact with a teacher, school administrator, psychologist or counselor and we strongly encourage and fully support that continued practice. However, we do know that sometimes there is a concern that a student or parent may want to communicate anonymously.

How do I place an incident report from Internet connected computers/tablets?

1)  Go to https://anonymousalerts.com/kiheicc from any Internet connected device

 2)  Click on the web button called “Anonymous Alerts”. Fill out your incident report.

How do I place a report from an iPhone or Android phone?

1) From the iPhone Store, download the free app by searching for “Anonymous Alerts”. If you have an Android phone, go to the Play Store, search for “Anonymous Alerts” and download.

a. After downloading the app, click on it, enter activation code kiheicc

The mobile apps and Web-based reporting system provides secure 1-way or 2-way encrypted messages, increasing the flow of important information to school officials. Message topics for submission may include bullying, cyber-bullying, family difficulties, self-harm/cutting, drug and alcohol abuse, student depression, sexual harassment, gang related issues or strange/abnormal student behavior.

All reports remain completely anonymous, although submitters have the option to reveal their identity if they prefer to have a person-to-person discussion. The program is monitored from 9AM until 2PM, and should only be used for serious and urgent matters. Indeed, if something disturbing or life threatening occurs at other times, it is imperative to call 911.



Bonding Ions

Middle School Website

The STEM Middle School is:

  • Project based, hands on, integrated learning (to learn more about project based learning please visit www.bie.org)
  • A unique mix of face-to-face classroom experiences, field-based learning activities, community involvement, and virtual learning opportunities
  • A small school experience: teacher advisors who know and oversee progress …. no one falls through the cracks.
  • Focused on 21st Century Skills such as information and technology literacy, problem solving, civic literacy, and global awareness (to learn more please visit www.21stcenturyskills.org)
  • Individualized student-centered learning
  • A place where effort creates ability and students are workers held to the highest expectations (to learn more about “student as worker, teacher as coach” please visit www.essentialschools.org)
  • Kihei Charter School maintains high expectations of students both academic and behavior. (Please read our academic and behavior intervention plans.)
    Academic Intervention Plan
    Behavioral Intervention Plan
  • Focused on utilizing modern technology to process, evaluate and understand information as opposed to rote memorization and textbook work.
  • A community-based school, which offers students the opportunity to work alongside scientists and community members through established school partnerships with NOAA, DLNR, Maui Land Trust, Pacific Whale Foundation, amongst others.
  • Filled with opportunities to participate in after school enrichment and extra-curricular activities such as drama, dance, yearbook, athletics, etc.