High School Schedule:

The regular school schedule is as follows:

Mondays:  8:30am – 2:30pm

Tuesdays:  8:30am – 2:30pm

Wednesdays: 8:30am - 1:30pm

Thursdays:  8:30am – 2:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am – 2:30pm


ATTENDANCE REMINDER: Parents should email attendance@kiheicharter.org to report an absence



Kihei Charter School is committed to creating a healthy school environment that enhances the development of lifelong wellness practices to promote healthy eating and physical activities that support student achievement and personal satisfaction.

The school shall encourage students to make food choices based on the most current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Food and beverages that compete with the school’s policy of promoting a healthy school environment shall be discouraged.

Lately we have been seeing an increasing trend of students drinking “energy” drinks during the school day. This is having a negative effect on their learning experience.

To ensure that our students are following our wellness policy while on campus, and to create a healthy environment for them, we are banning all “energy” drinks from our campus.  Students have access to water filling stations throughout the campus, and have been reminded to bring a water bottle to school.  Students are only allowed to bring water bottles to class and may consume other healthy beverages during breakfast and lunch. Energy drinks are not allowed at school.

Surfing, tennis and track and field are now in season!


Athletic Forms
To participate in any Kihei Charter Sport we need the following: 1. DOE Concussion Management Form  2. DOE Parental Consent Form.
Please print and hand in the forms to Mrs. Ventecinque's inbox, located outside her office door in the Admin suite.

Athletes that are below a 2.0 GPA or Failing a class will be not be eligible to compete and will be required to work in the resource room on their virtual day. 

Sports not offered directly by KCS can be played at Maui High School. Click here for the MHS Athletics page. 
Questions regarding KCS Athletics?

Contact  Rebecca Ventecinque   rventicinque@kiheicharter.org

For KCS Athletics handbooks, go to the following page.

Athletic Handbook Info


2021 -2022 High School Sports slide show - Check it out!



Kihei Charter High School Contacts

Front Desk - General Information, Leave Messages for Teachers, Report Absences / Tardies
(808) 875-0700     fax: (808) 874-6745

Head of School----Michael Stubbs-----mstubbs@kiheicharter.org-----(917) 399-0892
High School Director-----Ellen Federoff-------efederoff@kiheicharter.org
High School Academic Dean-----Ken Goring------kgoring@kiheicharter.org
School Counselor / Student Services---Dana Wapner---dwapner@kiheicharter.org


Ms. Terry------------------------------------mterry@kiheicharter.org
Mrs. Shirkodai----------------------------------sshirkodai@kiheicharter.org
Ms. Marsh---------------------------------------cmarsh@kiheicharter.org
Mr. Hazlet--------------------------------------bhazlet@kiheicharter.org
Ms. Hayes---------------------------------------hhayes@kiheicharter.org
Ms. Espinoza------------------------------------mespinoza@kiheicharter.org
Ms. Cogliandro----------------------------------jcogliandro@kiheicharter.org
Ms. Provance------------------------------------jprovance@kiheicharter.org Mr. Vaidhyanathan-------------------------------vvaidhyanathan@kiheicharter…

Education Assistants

Ms Dheya Smith---------------------------------dsmith@kiheicharter.org
Mr. John Brussel----------------------------------jbrussel@kiheicharter.org

Support Staff

Michael Hernley - Front Desk-------------mhernley@kiheicharter.org
Cathy Rimorin - Front Office Manager-------crimorin@kiheicharter.org
Raquel Balasan - Student Records-----rbalasan@kiheicharter.org

Information Technology

Phil Schmidt - IT Director----------pschmidt@kiheicharter.org

Kihei Charter School has determined that it is important to introduce a new communications tool called Anonymous Alerts®. Anonymous Alerts® allows students or parents to quickly, easily, and anonymously report urgent information to school officials across all of our school campuses. The system encourages students, parents and staff to confidentially report bullying, cyber-bullying, and other sensitive topics through private messages to our administration. Kihei Charter School does not support, encourage or tolerate any behavior that prevents any student from reaching their full potential.

We also believe that the best way to address problems that our students face in school is personal contact with a teacher, school administrator, psychologist or counselor and we strongly encourage and fully support that continued practice. However, we do know that sometimes there is a concern that a student or parent may want to communicate anonymously.

How do I place an incident report from Internet connected computers/tablets?

  1. 1)  Go to https://anonymousalerts.com from any Internet connected device.

  2. 2)  Click on the web button called “Anonymous Alerts”. Fill out your incident report.

How do I place a report from an iPhone or Android phone?

1) From the iPhone Store, download the free app by searching for “Anonymous Alerts”. If you have an Android phone, go to the Play Store, search for “Anonymous Alerts” and download.

a. After downloading the app, click on it, enter activation code kiheicc

The mobile apps and Web-based reporting system provides secure 1-way or 2-way encrypted messages, increasing the flow of important information to school officials. Message topics for submission may include bullying, cyber-bullying, family difficulties, self-harm/cutting, drug and alcohol abuse, student depression, sexual harassment, gang related issues or strange/abnormal student behavior.

All reports remain completely anonymous, although submitters have the option to reveal their identity if they prefer to have a person-to-person discussion. The program is monitored from 9AM until 2PM, and should only be used for serious and urgent matters. Indeed, if something disturbing or life threatening occurs at other times, it is imperative to call 911.

We feel that we have a responsibility to offer this tool to our community in order to protect the safety of our students, providing avenues for confidential disclosure when there is something serious that is troubling them.

At Kihei Charter School, our goal is to enhance the student’s learning experience and limit any roadblocks to a student’s success, giving everyone the opportunity to succeed.



The 21st Century Skills

Information Skills
• Communication Skills
• Thinking and Problem Solving
• Interpersonal Skills
• Self-Directional Skills
• Global Awareness
• Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy
• Civic Literacy and Engagement 

  Academic Programs


For more info on the Early Admissions Program, see the links to the right -->

Important dates to mark in your planners:

January 11: First day of classes 

January 19: Last day to drop courses with a 100% tuition refund. Students/families will be financially responsible for all courses dropped after this date.

February 3: Parent Information Night for new early college students @ 4:30 via Zoom (link will be shared via email)

March 25: Paperwork for Fall 2021 courses due



Early Admissions Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

Early Admit - High School Handbook

GEAR Up Scholarship Info

Dual Credit Course Suggestions 





  • Students present to their parent/s and advisor.  They pick four work samples and they reflect on their learning and their goals and how they relate to the 21st Century skills.
  • 1st Semester SLCs -


  • Contact: Ms. Dana Wapner          dwapner@kiheicharter.org       
  • Professionally trained School Counselors and Behavior Specialist are available to meet the needs of students.

Here are some important S2 high school dates to mark on your calendars:

Coming soon

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Kihei Charter School K-12


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