Phased School Reopening

Aloha KCS 'Ohana,

We hope you and your 'ohana are doing well and getting through this unprecedented time.

We will have a phased reopening next week. Staff will return on Monday (8/14) and students will return on Tuesday (8/15). This will enable us to assess the overall scope of the situation, determine our level of staffing, and prepare for the return of the students.

We know that families are dealing with the impacts of the recent events and we excuse all staff and students who are unable to attend at this time. Once again, if you and your family are experiencing hardship and need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. Here is the contact information for our administration:

Leslie Baldridge (Elementary School Director) - lbaldridge@kiheicharter.org

Pomai Pruett (Middle School Director) - ppruett@kiheicharter.org

Ellen Federoff (High School Director) - efederoff@kiheicharter.org

Michael Stubbs (Head of School) - mstubbs@kiheicharter.org

We wish you all the best and please take care,

The KCS Team