Aloha KCS 'Ohana,
We are heartbroken over the devastation of our island this week. We want to support our Maui community by becoming another donation center for South Maui. Starting Tuesday, August 15th, Kihei Charter School will be accepting items for distribution to individual families in need. We have several community partners who have access to West Maui. We also have lists of those who have been displaced and are sheltered in Kihei and Central Maui and what they currently need. We plan to collect, sort, and label items for distribution. Trucks will be sent to the school to pick up the sorted items and will take them directly to these families.
Here is a list of items that are currently needed the most:
(Clothes are not needed at this time, as so many have already been donated!)
Food - non-perishable and canned goods
Baby needs - baby food, diapers, wipes
Feminine products
Sleeping bags
Gas cans
Can openers
Hairbrushes, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors
Serving utensils
Garbage bags
We will also need donations of large boxes and duct tape to sort and box everything for distribution.
Donations can be dropped off in our school parking lot between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Please help if you can. We are also looking for volunteers to help receive these items and help direct incoming cars. Our KCS students will help sort and box everything for distribution.
Together we can make a difference. Let's embrace Laulima as many hands working together can uplift our community.
Mahalo for you kokua!
The KCS Team